SUDAS Standard Specifications - Division 5

Water Mains and Appurtenances
Table of Contents
Section 5010 Pipe and Fittings
Section 5020 Valves, Fire Hydrants, and Appurtenances
Section 5030 Testing and Disinfection

Figures Autocad Microstation
5010.101 Thrust Blocks
DGN file
5010.102 Tracer System
DGN file
5010.901 Minimum Clearance Between Water Service and Structure
DGN file
5020.201 Fire Hydrant Assembly
DGN file

*Figures available in pdf, Autocad, and Microstation formats within each division
**If you need a version of the SUDAS Standard Specifications with the dates shown at the bottom of each page, please visit the SUDAS website at