Section 2515.  Removal and Construction of Paved Driveways


2515.01     description.

Remove paved drives or portions of drives. Construct new PCC driveways according to the contract documents.


2515.02     materials.


A.    When paved driveways are to be constructed in conjunction with a PCC paving project, the class of concrete being used on the project may be used for driveways. If that class of pavement is not chosen for use, or if the contract contains no item for PCC pavement, pavement widening, or base, then use Class C concrete.


B.    For the construction of paved driveways, meet the requirements of Division 41 for the respective materials.


2515.03     construction.


A.    Removal of Paved Driveways.


1.     Remove paved driveways as shown in the contract documents.


2.     When old concrete pavement is to be removed and later abutted at its top surface with new concrete pavement, saw the designated breakout line to full depth before breaking the pavement. Remove to a new line and replace all concrete broken or damaged beyond the breakout line designated by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Contracting Authority.


3.     Apply Article 2510.03, A to the removal of driveways.


B.    Construction of Paved Driveways.

Unless specified otherwise, construct new paved driveways to the dimensions shown in the contract documents.


1.     Preparation of Subgrade.

Prepare the subgrade by excavating or filling with suitable earth to a depth below the finished grade line so that, when tamped or rolled until smooth, firm, and hard, the subgrade is uniform and at the required depth below the finished grade line.


2.     Portland Cement Concrete.

a.     Placing.

1)    Hand Finish.

a)    Use forms complying with Article 2301.03, A, 3, a, 1, c.

b)    Ensure the subgrade is thoroughly moistened.

c)    Deposit concrete for the full depth of slab in one operation. Consolidate it by tamping or vibration. Screed off the excess concrete flush with the forms. Thoroughly consolidate edges adjacent to all forms, expansion joints, curbs, or fixtures in the surface.

2)    Slip Form.

Use self propelled slip form pavers meeting the requirements of Section 2301. For other slip form paving machines, obtain the Engineer’s approval. Use machines designed for the specific purpose of placing, consolidating, and finishing concrete driveway slabs without use of fixed side forms.

b.     Finishing.

1)    After consolidation, finish the concrete surface with a burlap drag.

2)    After the surface has been floated, finish the edges of the slabs with a suitable edging tool.

c.     Protection and Curing.

After finishing, cure and protect the concrete using one of the methods described in Article 2301.03, K.

d.     Joints.

1)    Cut through the concrete for no less than 25% of the depth with a pointed trowel or suitable spading tool. Edge the concrete on both sides. In lieu of using a pointed trowel or suitable spading tool, these lines may be cut within 12 hours after placement of concrete with a 1/8 inch (3 mm) blade saw that is approved by the Engineer. Metal dividers will be considered for approval, in lieu of cutting.

2)    Construct isolation joints at all points where driveways meet other walks, curbs, or fixtures in the surface. Construct these joints by installing a 1/2 inch (13 mm), full depth strip of approved premolded joint material.

3)    Seal contraction joints according to Article 2301.03, P.

e.     Time for Opening Pavement for Use.

Open PCC driveways a minimum of 7 calendar days after placement or when flexural strength reaches 400 psi (2.75 MPa) as determined by Materials I.M. 383.


3.     Hot Mix Asphalt.

Construct HMA driveways according to Article 2303.03. Apply Class II compaction.


4.     Smoothness.

a.     Where abutting pavement is to be placed adjacent to the pavement being checked, ensure the surface does not deviate by more than 1/4 inch (6 mm) when checked 1 inch (25 mm) from the edge with a 3 foot (1 m) straightedge used transversely and a 10 foot (3 m) straightedge used longitudinally.

b.     Areas may be checked by the Engineer with a surface checker. These are not to exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m). For each bump exceeding these requirements, the Contractor will be assessed $50 or the bump corrected as agreed upon by the Engineer and Contractor.


5.     Weight Limits.

Limit construction equipment on both PCC and HMA driveways to 5 tons (5 Mg).


2515.04     method of measurement.

Measurement will be as follows:


A.    Removal of Paved Driveway.

Square yards (square meters), to the nearest square foot (0.1 m2), shown on the contract documents for each paved driveway removed.


B.    PC Concrete Driveways.

Square yards (square meters), to the nearest square foot (0.1 m2), shown on the contract documents for each paved driveway of the thickness specified. This includes areas through sidewalks. No deductions will be made for fixtures having an area of 1 square yard (1 m2) or less.


2515.05     basis of payment.

Payment will be the contract unit price as follows:


A.    Removal of Paved Driveway.


1.     Per square yard (square meter).


2.     Payment is full compensation for all equipment, tools, and labor for removal of the driveways as specified in the contract documents.


B.    Portland Cement Concrete Driveway.


1.     Per square yard (square meter) for the thickness specified.


2.     Payment is full compensation for furnishing all material, equipment, tools, and labor to construct the driveway in accordance with the contract documents.