Rebound able, non-metallic, 42-inch channelizers intended to provide temporary traffic channelizing shall meet the requirements of Iowa Department of Transportation Specification Article 4188.04. Approved Products are listed in the Materials Approved Products Listing Enterprise (MAPLE).


All products submitted for approval must comply with the most recent edition of the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH). Devices submitted with modifications to previously approved NCHRP-350 products must be fully compliant with the most recent edition of MASH.


It is the intent of the department to utilize products that comply with the most recent edition of MASH.


Manufacturers shall indicate MASH-16 compliance by December 31, 2021 to remain an approved product within MAPLE.




Acceptance of rebound able, non-metallic, 42-inch channelizers will be based on the review of submitted technical data sheets and brochures furnished to the Iowa Department of Transportation, Construction and Materials Bureau, Ames, Iowa, and the manufacturer certification statement of specification compliance. A sample channelizer may be requested and required at the discretion of the Construction and Materials Bureau.



The manufacturer shall provide certification the product conforms to specifications to the Construction and Materials Bureau, Example Follows:



Certification Statement


This is to certify that (manufacturer name, product number) reboundable, non-metallic, 42-inch channelizer meets the requirements of the applicable Specification of the Iowa Department of Transportation.






Authorized Date and Signature




A responsible company representative shall sign the certification statement.