Courier service is established for transportation of materials samples from the District Offices to the Central Laboratory in Ames on a regularly scheduled basis. Sample delivery is intended to be performed in a timely manner so testing can be performed and results expediently reported in an effort to prevent testing related construction delays.




Responsibility for the courier position shall rest with The Materials Testing Engineer in the Office of Materials is responsible for directing the courier person and Materials Technician 4 in charge of the Equipment & Receiving Section will be responsible for administering the courier serviceThe District Materials Engineer will designate a contact person to coordinate courier activities.


The following courier services will be provided to the Districts every year throughout the construction season:


1.   Pick up of materials samples from the District Offices and delivery to the Central Laboratory.


2.   Mail delivery and pick up will be done for the Districts when staff is available to pick it up in the Mail Room. If there are no materials samples that need to be picked up at the District, the courier will not make the trip on that particular day and mail pick up and delivery should not be expected. Courier service for the exclusive function of mail delivery will not be provided. 


3.   Transporting of testing equipment to and from the field equipment section in Ames. This includes such items as beam breakers, balances, air meters, etc. This will also include material samples sent from Ames to the Districts, specifically, independent assurance samples.  Nuclear gauges will only be transported when the normally scheduled driver has the proper nuclear gauge certification.


4.   Occasionally, delivery of office supplies and warehouse items to the Districts. This should include only items of immediate need by the Districts. All other office and warehouse supplies, particularly larger items such as office furniture, file cabinets, tires, etc., can be delivered on a weekly basis by the warehouse supply truck.


The destinations noted above will be the only stops made by the courier unless changes have been pre-arranged with the Materials Laboratory Equipment and Receiving Section. Further delivery of equipment or supplies to other offices or residencies in the District will be the responsibility of District personnel.


Materials and mail to be picked up by the courier should be assembled at the regularly designated location on the day of service. The courier will check in with a contact person, as designated by the District Materials Engineer, prior to returning to Ames.


The district contact person and the person in charge of Equipment and Receiving will make contact prior to each trip to verify the need for a trip and the items to be transported.  




Service will be provided annually from mid-April through mid- November to coincide with the construction season. The weekly courier schedule is:



            Monday:          District 2 - Mason City Laboratory


            Tuesday:         District 5 - Fairfield Laboratory

                                    District 6 - Cedar Rapids Laboratory


            Wednesday:    District 3 - Sioux City Laboratory

                                    District 4 - Atlantic Laboratory