This appendix contains the minimum requirements for the producer Quality Control Program in order to become an approved aggregate producer.


Producers must submit a written application to their District Materials Engineer (DME) for review and approval.


Quality Control Programs for recyclers will describe procedures for receiving, sorting and managing stockpiles of reclaimed materials intended to be processed into certified aggregates.


NOTE: Producers with operations in more than one District shall apply to the District Materials Engineer in the district where the most certified material production exists or is anticipated. The application is attached to this Appendix or is available on-line through the Iowa DOT web page. This application is also available from the DME Offices and the Iowa Limestone Producers Association (ILPA) office.




The following definitions apply to the Quality Control Program guidelines:


Source - Any location aggregate is produced at or shipped from on a certified basis (e.g., quarries, pits, project sites, recycle yards, terminal locations, portable production operation, etc.).


Conditional Status - This is a written notice from the District Materials Engineer to a producer that certified aggregates will no longer be accepted from a particular source. Application of Conditional Status may vary depending upon situation or specific circumstances. The Conditional Status may apply only to a production operation and aggregate produced by that operation. In other situations, when the deficiency is more widespread, the Conditional Status may apply to an entire company or division within a company until the problem is resolved. In the case of portable production operations, Conditional Status shall apply to the specific production operation regardless of source location, and shipment of aggregate previously produced by the affected production operation may be placed on Conditional Status when warranted.




1.   Aggregate Certification


The producer has the overall responsibility of certifying that material being placed in the certified stockpile is produced under and conforms to the Aggregate Certification Program, and the producer Quality Control (QC) Program. The Iowa DOT, through its monitoring activities (sampling/testing, visual observation, etc.), will verify the continued compliance to the program.


2.   Knowledge of Current Specifications


The producer Quality Control representative(s) must maintain up-to-date knowledge of the specifications that apply to aggregate products currently being produced at the source. The producer representative shall have available, at the testing lab, a copy of the current Standard Specifications, all applicable Supplemental Specifications and all applicable Instructional Memorandums (IMs) for aggregate inspection, as well as a current geological section, if applicable. The producer will be aware of any Special Provisions, which change current aggregate specifications. This applies to both quality and gradation requirements. The producer shall be responsible for providing these up-to-date publications to their QC representative.


3.   Plant Production Log


The producer is required to maintain a plant production log when producing under the program. This production log shall detail, on a daily basis, samples taken, pass/fail results, corrective actions, plant/ledge changes, etc. The log must be kept at a designated location and be readily available to the Iowa DOT representative for review.


4.   Visual Inspection


The producer is responsible for visually inspecting the aggregate source process on a frequent basis. Visual inspection can be defined as observing the processing or production area, as well as the condition of the aggregate in the flow stream or stockpiles. This visual inspection does not take away from actual testing, but enhances the inspection to ensure quality aggregates. It is the responsibility of the producer Quality Control representative to observe the overall operation to detect segregation, degradation, and contamination that are detrimental to the quality of the product.


5.   Quality Requirements


Any certified stockpile must meet the designated quality before shipment. The producer is responsible for supplying material meeting all quality requirements. Intentional shipment of untested or out of specification material will constitute grounds for immediate rejection of material and placement of the source and/or the producer on conditional status. The producer Quality Control representative will obtain and maintain quality information on specific ledges, production methods, and certified stockpiles for each source.


6.   Production Notification


Twenty-four hours before startup or as soon as possible for production change, the appropriate Area Materials Coordinator (AMC) or District Materials Engineer (DME) shall be notified. Failure to notify may result in material rejection or resampling of the stockpile. Notification shall include the estimated intended tonnage to be produced, estimated daily production rate, intended use (e.g., project information or warehouse stock), and if applicable, production ledges, and responsible person(s).


7.   Production


A.   The producer shall establish gradation production limits for each material to be certified to help ensure a product that is uniformly graded and meets specifications at the time of use.

1.   Gradation production limits shall apply to individual products within each source and be maintained for each stockpile.


2.   Gradation production limits are subject to review, only, by the AMC or DME.


3.   Repeated non-adherence to the producer established gradation production limits require stockpile sampling and testing by the producer.


B.   Testing and Reporting


1.   Minimum test frequencies as per IM 209, Appendix C


2.   Test results will be known before delivery when the product is being shipped to a project.


3.   All test results will be available at a designated location within 24 hours of sampling when the material is being placed into a certified stockpile.


4.   Report gradation test results to DME and contractor, when applicable, on Form #821278.


C.  Maintaining Ongoing Quality Control Procedures


1.   Proper ledge control and/or control of stockpiles of reclaimed PCC and HMA intended for recycling into certified aggregates.


2.   Equipment (production and testing)


3.   Stockpiling procedures


4.   Proper stockpile identification (signing, stockpile maps, etc., as required).


8.   Delivery


A.   Stockpile identification to ensure delivery from proper stockpiles

B.   Visual inspection for contamination, segregation, etc.

C.  Stockpile gradation resampling may be required.

D.  Proper identification and certification of delivered aggregate as per IM 209

E.   Maintain ongoing QC procedures.

F.    Report tonnage to the AMC when requested.


9.   Quality Control Structure


In order to ensure quality as a priority, the producer Quality Control personnel will have a line of communication directly to their management, as well as their production operation.




Company Name







1.  Are copies of current applicable specifications, aggregate testing IMs and source information data such as geologic sections available at the respective sources or testing facilities? (Yes or No) If No, explain.



2.  Is a plant production log maintained on a daily basis and available for inspection? (Yes or No) If No, explain



3.  Who (position) is responsible for production notification to the Area Materials Coordinator?



4.  Which company representative (position) is normally responsible for daily overall Quality Control processes at the source?       



5.  Describe the certified stockpile identification system in place at each source (Map, signing, etc.)



6.  Please attach a detailed summary of your Quality Control Program. (NOTE: Please refer to Guidelines for Required Aggregate Producer Quality Control Program.)


7.  Please attach a flow chart of your current Quality Control structure (Include names, addresses, phone numbers of appropriate management personnel, chain of command, etc., for problem resolution).


Indicate the District(s) for which you have operations to produce State of Iowa Certified material.