OFFICE:  Transportation Data

EFFECTIVE DATE: 10-20-2004

ENTERED BY:  Stefani Wonders

ENTERED DATE: 02-17-2005


TITLE:  Official Description Deletion: Unsigned Iowa 368 in Warren County




Transfer of jurisdiction agreement number 2004-TJ-014, between the City of Hartford and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of Unsigned Iowa 368 from the north corporation line (approximately 200 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 16-T77N-R22W on the south section line); then east following substantially the south section line of said Section 16 to approximately 1970 feet east of the SW Corner of said Section 16; then southeast to Trulow Street (east corporation line) (approximately 210 feet south of the S ¼ Corner of Section 16-T77N-R22W)


New Description - Unsigned Iowa 368 and its extensions in Warren County described as follows:


Beginning approximately 1640 feet north and 180 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 17-T77N-R22W (200th Avenue); then southeast approximately 660 feet to a dead end.







OFFICE:  Transportation Inventory


SUBMITTED BY:  Peggi Knight

SUBMITTAL DATE: 04-16-2003


TITLE:  Official Description Addition:  Unsigned Iowa 368, Warren County




New Description - Unsigned Iowa 368 and its extensions in Warren County described as follows:


Beginning approximately 1640 feet north and 180 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 17-T77N-R22W (200th Avenue); then southeast approximately 660 feet to a dead end.


Beginning approximately 200 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 16-T77N-R22W on the south section line; then east following substantially the south section line of said Section 16 to the north corporation line of Hartford (approximately 1970 feet east of the SW Corner of said Section 16).




Beginning on the north corporation line; then southeast to Trulow Street (east corporation line) (approximately 210 feet south of the S ¼ Corner of Section 16-T77N-R22W).




It is recommended to approve adding the description of Unsigned Iowa 368 in Warren County to the Primary Road System.