OFFICE:  Transportation Inventory


SUBMITTED BY:  Peggi Knight

SUBMITTAL DATE: 11-18-2002




Addendum to pre-design agreement number 97-P-086, between Chickasaw County and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of US 63 from the SW Corner Section 30-T95N-R12W north following substantially the west section line of Sections 30 and 19-T95N-R12W to the south corporation line of New Hampton (approximately 420 feet south of NW Corner Section 19-T95N-R12W) to county jurisdiction on November 1, 2002.


Addendum to pre-design agreement number 97-P-086, between the city of New Hampton and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of US 63 from south corporation line (approximately 420 feet south of the NW Corner of Section 19-T95N-R12W) then northerly to the north corporation line (approximately the NW Corner Section 19-T95N-R12W) to city jurisdiction on November 1, 2002.


Addendum to pre-design agreement number 97-P-086, between Chickasaw County and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of US 63 from the NW Corner Section 19-T95N-R12W to the south  corporation line of New Hampton (approximately the W ¼ Corner Section 18-T95N-R12W) to county jurisdiction on November 1, 2002.


Addendum to pre-design agreement number 97-P-086, between the city of New Hampton and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of US 63 from the south corporation line (approximately the W ¼ Corner Section 18-T95N-R12W) to the junction of Iowa 24 (Main Street) to city jurisdiction on November 1, 2002.


Addendum to pre-design agreement number 97-P-086, between Chickasaw County and the Iowa Department of Transportation, transferred that portion of US 63 from the north corporation line of New Hampton (approximately

1950 feet south of the NW Corner Section 6-T96N-R12W) then northeasterly approximately 2020 feet east and 610 feet north of the NW Corner Section 6-T96N-R12W to county jurisdiction on November 1, 2002.




It is recommended that the old description of US 63 and its extensions in Chickasaw County be deleted and the new description be included in the Primary Road System.


New Description - US 63 and its extensions in Chickasaw County described as follows:


Beginning at the Chickasaw-Bremer County line at a point approximately 1100 feet east of the SE Corner Section 36-T94N-R13W, Chickasaw County (NE Corner Section 1-T93N-R13W, Bremer County); thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point 1100 feet north of the SE Corner Section 36-T94N-R13W; thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, (south junction of US 18), 7, and 6-T94N-R12W to the NW Corner Section 6-T94N-R12W; thence northwesterly and northerly through Sections 31-T95N-R12W and 36, 25, 24, 13, and 12-T95N-R13W to the south corporation line of New Hampton (approximately 620 feet east of the W ¼ Corner Section 12-T95N-R13W), connecting with an unnamed street.


New Hampton:


Beginning on the south corporation line (approximately 620 feet east of the W ¼ Corner Section 12-T95N-R13W) connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly on said unnamed street to the north corporation line (north junction US 18) (approximately 890 feet east of the NW Corner Section 12-T95N-R13W).


Beginning again on the north corporation line of New Hampton connecting with an unnamed street (north junction US 18) (approximately 890 feet east of the NW Corner Section 12-T95N-R13W); thence northeasterly and easterly through Sections 1-T95N-R13W, 36-T96N-R13W, and 31-T96N-R12W to a point 800 feet north of the SW Corner Section 31-T96N-R12W; thence curving easterly and northeasterly to a point near the W ¼ Corner Section 32-T96N-R12W; thence northerly following substantially the west section line of Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8, and 5-T96N-R12W, 32, 29, and 20-T97N-R12W to the Chickasaw-Howard County line at a point near the NW Corner Section 20-T97N-R12W, Chickasaw County (SW Corner Section 17-T97N-R12W, Howard County).






COUNTY:  Chickasaw County



APPROVAL DATE:  12-18-86


New Description ‑ US 63 and its extensions in Chickasaw County described as follows:


Beginning on the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line at a point approximately 1,100 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 36-T94N‑R13W, Chickasaw County (NW Corner Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence east along the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line following substantially the south section line of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W to a point approximately 1,100 feet west of the SE Corner of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W, Chickasaw County (NE Corner of Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence curving in a north­easterly direction to a point approximately 1,100 feet north of the SE Corner of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W; thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, (south junction of US 18), 7 and 6‑T94N‑R12W and Sections 31, 30, 19 and 18‑T95N‑R12W to the south corporation line of New Hampton connecting with Linn Avenue.


New Hampton:


Beginning on the south corporation line connecting with Linn Avenue; thence north on Linn Avenue to the north corpora­tion line.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of New Hampton connecting with Linn Avenue; thence north following substantially the section line of Section 6‑T95N‑R12W to a point approximately 2,530 feet south of the NW Corner of Section 6-T95N-R12W; thence northeasterly through Section 6‑T95N‑R12W and Section 31‑T96N‑R12W to a point approximately 370 feet south of the NE Corner of Section 31‑T96N‑R12W; thence north following substan­tially the section line of Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8 and 5­-T96N‑R12W and Sections 32, 29 and 20‑T97N‑R12W to the Chickasaw-­Howard County line at a point near the NW Corner of Section 20-­T97N‑R12W, Chickasaw County (SW Corner of Section 17‑T97N‑R12W, Howard County).






DIVISION:  Planning & Research


SUBMITTED BY:  C. I. MacGillivray

MEETING DATE: 11-02-78




Due to a review of the Primary Road System records, US 63 in Chickasaw County should be deleted from the Primary Road System and the new description added should be officially included into the Primary Road System.


US 63 begins at the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line approximately 10 miles south of New Hampton, Iowa and travels northerly via New Hampton to the Chickasaw-­Howard County line approximately 10 miles north of New Hampton, Iowa.




Locate US 63 and its extension in Chickasaw County as follows:


Beginning on the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line at a point approximately 1,100 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W, Chickasaw County (NW Corner Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence east along the Chickasaw-Bremer County line following substantially the south section line of Section 36-T34N-­R13W to a point approximately 1,100 feet west of the SE Corner of Section 36-T94N-­R13W, Chickasaw County (NE Corner of Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Brewer County); thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 1,100 feet north of the SE Corner of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W; thence northerly following substantially the section line of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, (south junction of US 18), 7 and 6‑T94N‑R12W and Sections 31, 30, 19 and 18‑T95N‑R12W to the south corporation line of the City of New Hampton connecting with an unnamed street.


New Hampton:


Beginning on the south corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly to the north Corporation line connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of New Hampton connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly following substantially the section line of Section 6‑T95N‑R12W to a point approximately 2,530 feet south of the NW Corner of Section 6‑T95N‑R12W; thence northeasterly through Section 6‑T95N‑R12W and Section 31‑T96N‑R12W to a point approximately 370 feet south of the NE Corner of Section 31‑T96N‑R12W; thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8 and 5‑T96N‑R12W and Sections 32, 29 and 20‑T97N‑R12W to the Chickasaw‑Howard County line at a point near the NW Corner of Section 20‑T97N‑R12W, Chickasaw County (SW Corner of Section 17‑T97N‑R12W, Howard County).


NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa Department of Transportation approve the location of US 63 in Chickasaw County, Iowa.


NOTE: To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.


REVISED: 12-18-86






DIVISION:  Planning & Research

SUBMITTED BY:  Raymond L. Kassel





Due to a review of the Primary Road System records US 63 in Chickasaw County should be deleted from the Primary Road System and the new description added should be officially included into the Primary Road System.


US 63 begins at the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line approximately 10 miles south of New Hampton, Iowa and travels northerly via New Hampton to the Chickasaw-­Howard County line approximately 10 miles north of New Hampton, Iowa.




Locate US 63 and its extensions in Chickasaw County as follows:


Beginning on the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line at a point approximately 1,100 feet east of the SW Corner of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W, Chickasaw County (NW Corner Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence east along the Chickasaw-Bremer County line following substantially the south section line of Section 36-T94N-­R13W to a point approximately 1,100 feet west of the SE Corner of Section 36-T94N-­R13W, Chickasaw County (NE Corner of Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 1,100 feet north of the SE Corner of Section 36‑T94N‑R13W; thence northerly following substantially the section line of Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, (south junction of US 18), 7 and 6-T94N‑R12W and Sections 31, 30, 19 and 18‑T95N‑R12W to the south corporation line of the City of New Hampton connecting with an unnamed street.


New Hampton:


Beginning on the south corporation line connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly to the North Corporation line connecting with an unnamed street.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of New Hampton connecting with an unnamed street; thence northerly following substantially the section line of Section 6‑T95N‑R12W to a point approximately 2,530 feet south of the NW Corner of Section 6‑T95N‑R12W; thence northeasterly through Section 6‑T95N‑R12W and Section 31‑T96N‑R12W to a point approximately 370 feet south of the NE Corner of Section 31‑T96N‑R12W thence north following substantially the section line of Sections 32, 29, 20, 17, 8 and 5‑T96N‑R12W and Sections 32, 29 and 20‑T97N-R12W to the Chickasaw‑Howard County line at a point near the NW Corner of Section 20‑T97N‑R12W, Chickasaw County (SW Corner of Section 17‑T97N‑R12W, Howard County).


NOW, THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the Iowa Department of Transportation approve the location of US 63 in Chickasaw County, Iowa


NOTE: To become effective upon adoption of this resolution.






COUNTY:  Chickasaw




Beginning on the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line at a point approximately 1100 feet east of the SW Corner Section 36‑T94N‑R13W, Chickasaw County (NW Corner Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence east along the Chickasaw‑Bremer County line to a point approximately 1100 feet west of the SE Corner Section 36‑T94N‑R13W, Chickasaw County (NE Corner Section 1‑T93N‑R13W, Bremer County); thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 1100 feet‑north of the SE Corner Section 36‑T94N‑R13W; thence north following sub­stantially the section line to the south corporation line of the City of New Hampton connecting with Linn Avenue.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of New Hampton connecting with Linn Avenue; thence northerly following substantially the section line to a point approximately 2530 feet south of the NW Corner Section 6‑T95N‑R12W; thence north­easterly through Section 6‑T95N‑R12W and Section 31‑T96N‑R12W to point approximately 370 feet south of the NE Corner Section 31‑T96N-R12W; thence north following substantially the section line to the Chickasaw‑Howard County line at a point near the NE Corner Section 19‑T98N-R12W, Chickasaw County (SE Corner Section 18‑T98N‑R12W, Howard County).






COUNTY:  Chickasaw

CITY OF: New Hampton




Commencing on Linn Avenue at the south corporation line; thence northerly on Linn Avenue to the north corporation line





COUNTY:  Chickasaw



Connecting Curves


Junction of US 18 and US 63:


Beginning at a point approximately 900 feet south of the NW Corner of Section 18-T94N-R12W; thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 900 feet east of the NW Corner Section 18-T94N-R12W.




COUNTY:  Chickasaw





Connecting Curves.


Junction of Primary Road No. 18 and Primary Road No. US 63


Beginning at a point approximately 900 feet south of the NW Cor. of Sec. 18-T94-R12, thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 900 feet east of the NW Cor. Sec. 18-T94-R12.





COUNTY:  Chickasaw



APPROVAL DATE:  04-14-37


Beginning on the Chickasaw-Bremer County line at a point approximately 1100 feet east of the SW Cor. Sec. 36-T94-R13, Chickasaw County, (NW Cor. Sec. 1-T93-R13, Bremer County) thence east along the Chickasaw-Bremer County line to a point approximately 1100 feet west of the SE Cor. Sec. 36-T94-R13, Chickasaw County, (NE Cor. Sec. 1-T93-R13, Bremer County) thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 1100 feet north of the SE Cor. Sec. 36-T94-R13, thence north following substantially the section line to the south corporation line of the City of New Hampton, connecting with Linn Avenue.


Beginning again on the north corporation line of the City of New Hampton, connecting with Pleasant Hill Street, thence in a northerly and northeasterly direction through Sec. 6-T95-R12 to a point approximately 300 feet west of the NE Cor. Sec. 6-T95-R12, thence curving in a northeasterly direction to a point approximately 500 feet north of the SE Cor. Sec. 31-T96-R12, thence north following substantially the section line to the Chickasaw-Howard County line at a point near the NE Cor. Sec. 19-T97-R12, Chickasaw County, (SE Cor. Sec. 18-T97-R12, Howard County).